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How To Clean and Maintain “Self Cleaning Glass”

Maintaining Self Cleaning Glass

Glass manufacturers have been producing self cleaning glass for a number of years now, and since it’s availability and popularity is wide-spread, many are installing these windows in order to save money in operating/maintenance budgets in years to come. Many home owners have purchased this upgrade and installed these self cleaning windows for various reasons.

They will still need to be cleaned, and maintained. From delivery to the building site during construction and during the window’s lifespan, it will need to be cared for in a very particular way. If these specific cleaning procedures aren’t adhered to it will damage the window beyond repair and void the warranty.

What Is Self Cleaning Glass?

Glass makers will use different formulas, so the actual correct answer can only be given by the manufacturers themselves. However, generally speaking the answer is this; it is a mixture where the active ingredient is titanium dioxide which is applied to side one, pane one (the side of the window which faces the exterior of your home).

If you would like to read more information on the actual chemical process of how it works you can find that here.

How To Correctly Clean and Maintain Self Cleaning Glass


At the time of this writing (November 27, 2012) there are no identifying stamps or markings on the glass that would indicate that its a self cleaning panel. When it’s delivered or newly purchased it does come with identifying stickers, some with holographic images. However, for the person cleaning the window; if this person is not informed of the presence of self cleaning windows then it is highly probable that the windows will be damaged.


As of this update, 04/29/2018, there are a great number of variants and formula’s of self cleaning glass. This article also applies to any coating that is on either side (facing outside or facing inside).


Unfortunately, once the coating has been damaged, repair is impossible.

One company which was extremely helpful to me, sent me their maintenance guide which is pretty specific in how to clean these windows.

  • Do not use soap that has any type of dye in it.
  • Do not use ANY type of abrasives (including sponges that usually can be used on glass)
  • Use of squeegees are NOT recommended
  • Never touch metal of any kind to the coating
  • Using a purified water cleaning system is highly recommended, and in most cases it is the only approved way to clean the glass so as not to avoid the warranty. (Always check with the manufacturer of the glass and find out what the approved methods for cleaning are)

If you are a homeowner or a builder, please inform your window cleaning vendor of the presence of this type of window before any estimate is given or any work is to be performed so that your windows can remain in pristine condition, and won’t be damaged.


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